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8 ways to make your turbo trainer more enjoyable

While they may have grown in popularity as a necessary evil in cold winters, turbo trainers have become a big part of year-round training for cyclists all over the world. With fast-changing trainer technology, a growing number of participants and a host of training aids available, the humble home trainer now offers a window to another world. Keeping our attention while spinning at a stand-still is a big ask for us outdoor types, but we’ve brought together a bunch of tips to make the whole experience of turbo trainer more enjoyable and effective.

make your turbo trainer more enjoyable1. Go virtual

Thanks to the meteoric rise in popularity of smart turbo trainers, there’s an incredible range of interactive training aids now available.

Programs like Zwift have been a game-changer for indoor training, with virtual routes and interactive settings. Lots of smart trainers offer automatic changes to resistance around inclines and group riding, making turbo trainer sessions more engaging than ever before.

Check out Haute Route Rides and Rendezvous to join online group riding session. 

2. Watch a training video

You don’t need the latest in interactive technology to push your limits indoors.

Sufferfest and Strava Summit offer a host of training videos that are guaranteed to make spinning on the spot both more fun and effective.

turbo trainer more enjoyable

3. Buy a fan

There’s no two ways about it, turbo training sessions are sweaty business. When you’re riding on the road, you get to enjoy the luxury of a constant breeze.

Inside, things are very different. However there’s no need to suffer through it. Buy yourself a cheap fan and set it up to blow wind at your face as you spin.

turbo trainer more enjoyable

4. Join a group

There’s no reason cycling at home needs to be lonely. Group turbo training sessions are growing in popularity.

The virtual world makes group rides even more accessible, with the likes of Zwift offering group sessions and races with a truly global community.

You can also check out our Rides and Rendezvous section for online group ride session.

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5. Have a plan

Whether you just want to slog it out for hours on end, or just get your legs spinning for 30 minutes, having a plan before you get on your road bike is everything.

Training plans are readily available online and no matter whether you’ve got the latest tech or just a simple wrist watch, it’s easy to set some serious goals.

6. Binge while you spin

When you just need to spin your legs, there’s one great way to pass the time; tune into a new television series or movie.

Let’s be honest, pedaling at a stand still can be monotonous, but you’ll be amazed how quickly the time flies when you’re four episodes deep into the latest Netflix whodunit.

Check out our top 10 Haute Route videos of all time playlist for more inspiration.


7. Don’t forget to fuel

Fuelling for a training session is just as important inside as it is out. Try to eat 2-3 hours before your session and keep well hydrated while you ride.

Discover our Nutrition and hydration guide if you need any advice

8. Sign up to Haute Route Watopia

If you’re struggling to stay engaged on a trainer, there is no surer way to centre your focus than laying it all on the line in a race with riders from all around the world.

With global classification and Haute Route Finisher status to spur you on, Haute Route Watopia is a game-changer.

turbo trainer more enjoyable


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