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Real answers to the big questions: with Ana Dillana

What is the best length for socks? Are tubeless tyres really the way of the future? And how do we encourage more women to get into cycling?

5 Reasons to Train for Cycling Year Round

While many of us are cycling year round because it’s what we love to do, there are important reasons why you ...

8 ways to make your turbo trainer more enjoyable

While they may have grown in popularity as a necessary evil in cold winters, turbo trainers have become a big part ...

Eight yoga poses to boost your cycling recovery

Cycling is not just a question of proper training but also about being able to recover quickly and efficiently. ...

Finding Moments for strength and conditioning in everyday life

Former Haute Route Elite Ambassador Colby Pearce is the world master’s record holder in the men’s 45-49 age group. ...

Eight things you need to know before setting up a home trainer

We asked our ambassadors for their best tips on how to build the most effective and realistic training setup for ...

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Training for a Multi-Day event

An ancient former Haute Route ambassador Aaron Borrill and cycling coach Jarred Salzwedel of Sci-ence2Sport talk ...


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